Sunday 21 July 2013

A waste of my life

Since my life is what some people call boring, I’ve wasted some of my life trying to figure out what my friend’s social life is all about. I’ve got this one friend called Pinkie, and she is one of the coolest people you would ever meet, but she has a serious knack for picking bad things (clothing attire is an exception). Anyway, she has a sad excuse for a best friend, and her name is Puglesh Patel (mostly because she looks like a pug). Puglesh is only Pinkie’s friend by name, because the way they act around each other, at least in front of me, is distant. Pinkie has told almost everyone alive that she is angry (or rather upset) with Puglesh. I don’t know if the news has reached Puglesh or not, but she hasn’t changed. So, let us talk about why Puglesh is a bad friend. One, she's made some new friends with some new morons and she completely ignores Pinkie when they are around. Two, these new friends she has made have now become her best friends, so in the end she has 5 ‘best’ friends- which is pretty much shit because 'best' is a superlative and can only be used for one person and she has five (and I am not one, just for your information). Now Pinkie, being a completely useless human and basically any normal girl decides to go to every other person and bitch about her best friend. Pinkie according to me is a complete retard for that, but more on that later. She first goes to share her feelings with M, who is one of the five best friends of Puglesh. But M is also Pinkie’s best friend and M being a good human doesn’t tell Puglesh (so much for best friends). And M is also pretty popular among the girls for being friendzoned. Poor sod, but he sort of deserves it because he is an ass. Though I think he is only like that with girls. I think he may be gay; most probably not though. I don’t want to be spreading rumors around. Anyway, M is everyone’s confidant. Puglesh is a bitch. Pinkie is a person who doesn’t like too many shit storms. So that's pretty much it . . .